Welcome all ladies! Whether you are a wife or just in a relationship, most of us sometimes wish that there was an instruction manual to tell us what to do and what not to do. What to do if this happens and how to go about handling this situation...right? Well, I have some great news for you! You came to the right place because guess what? There is no instruction manual. Instead, we all turn to google forums, self-help books, family advice and even the beloved best friend wine talks. Whatever the case may be, I myself being a wife, have decided that we all have our unique ways of living, loving and dealing with the roles we are blessed with. I want to create a blog that helps women (married or committed) with the daily obstacles and arguments that we all face from time to time. Yes, it is not a fix it all, nor is it the instruction manual that we all wish that we had, but I hope it can be a helpful technique and source for all things relative to relationships and love in general. After all, men have their man caves, ladies...welcome to your woman cave!


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