The Battle Against Xbox

Ladies, let's get many of us feel in constant competition with a big black box? Yes, I am talking about the beloved relationship between a man and his Xbox. I don't know about you but I have found myself many times contemplating whether or not I should hide it and say that we have been robbed and they only took the Xbox but I use my better judgement and surrender to the love that I cannot come between. After many periods of angry outbursts and resentment, I finally learned from reading a few articles that discuss this very subject, that it is best just to accept it. Men value their privacy just as much as us ladies, it is very important to them. Not only that but they need their alone time just as we need ours. Just because we have a different way of having that alone time, doesn't give me the right to get upset over how Ricky wants to spend his alone time. Now ladies, I am certainly not saying that hours upon hours of gaming is okay because it isn't especially when they have other responsibilities and people to take care of, including us. Sometimes we tend to feel neglected or unappreciated when they start taking that gaming time for granted and spending ALL day on the console. Believe me, we have had our fair share of arguments over this time consumption. What I am saying is, if they want that time to play then we should get our time as well. Right? ABSOLUTELY! Thanks to a dear friend of mine, I learned that instead of wasting my time and energy becoming angry about this relationship with his Xbox, I should use that time to do the things that I want to do. Things that make me happy. Such as going to the mall, taking a walk at the park, going out with friends, etc. I really took her words into consideration and came to a wonderful realization...if I took as much time to go out and have some me time during those long nights of endless gaming as I do getting angry about it, I would be one happy girl! I could be doing fun things by myself that I like to do that maybe Ricky doesn't necessarily care for. I can spend my time doing the things that I do not get to do often because of my duties and responsibilities as a wife. As much as I cherish and love being a wife, we cannot forget about the women we are and the things that we love to do. We are then taking advantage of that situation and using it to give ourselves a reminder of the women we still are on the inside. I try and look at it this way...I would much rather he play Xbox than be doing something else that is dangerous or reckless. Being all the way across the US, away from our hometown, we do not get to see our friends as much so it gives Ricky some good time to be with his friends and play with them online. It makes him happy so why try and fight that? The bottom line is, if you are like us and you can relate to this, then I have some advice for you if you want to take it. 

1) Go out and make plans for yourself! Enjoy that YOU time that you have. Have fun while he is having fun. You deserve it just as much as he does.

2) If it really is becoming a problem within your relationship, don't keep it to yourself. Communicate about it with him, most guys are sometimes oblivious and they are not always aware of what bothers us. That's why we need to address it. Do not let it fester and bottle up inside you because I promise you that it is not healthy for you and the situation could become worse because of it. It is very important to talk about issues that you see in your relationship because addressing it immediately will squash the problem right then and there and that honesty and openness will leave you and your significant other that much more amazing!

3) If the game interests you, you can even try playing and joining him if he allows it. (Ricky doesn't allow me but some of you might have better luck). There is nothing that is sexier than taking interest in the things that interest your significant other. They will see you taking that time to appreciate and understand what it is that they love to do and maybe they will be inspired to do the same for you. With that being said, you absolutely do not have to do this if you don't care for video games but it's just a friendly suggestion. 

The point of this post is simple. We cannot change our men. As much as we would love to change certain things about them including their gaming obsession, they are who they are and we should accept them for it. Just as Ricky and other men accept us for all that we are, and if you are like me then he has to accept A LOT! If we changed them, they wouldn't be the same men that we fell in love with in the first place. 

Stay happy and beautiful! 


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