It's Time for DATE NIGHT!
Ladies, who doesn't love a good night out with your significant other?! I know I like to make at least one date night a week! We all know that the weeks can get kind of stressful and time consuming and we don't always have the energy or the time to plan a big ol' fancy date. Nor do we want to sometimes because our favorite date on the weekends is a place called our Cozy Bed. Am I right? This is the part where I come in! Who says you even need to go out of your way to plan the perfect little night for you and your someone special. Or even go out somewhere to have a date! Why not bring the date to you right at home! This is probably one of my favorite posts to write because I absolutely LOVE sharing date ideas and romantic night-ins with your person. :) Something I always loved to do when I would see Ricky after many months apart was setting up a neat little surprise for him when I would see him. The great part about it was, it was a surprise that required hardly any time or money. Those are the best! Most of the time, I would always just have a little stroll planned that led to a spot with beautiful scenery so we could just talk and enjoy each other's presence for a while. Other times, I remember that I would have a fun game night planned for us at either my house or his. I would include a dessert or two glasses of wine to keep the entertainment going. Honestly, every couple has their own version of what's fun and what would qualify as a great date to have so it's another area where you can get creative and inventive. My job is to just give you guys a few ideas to get started with and to get those creative juices flowing! I hope you can take some of these ideas that I have to create your own romantic date night in! Enjoy!
Pizza Picnic!
Order their favorite pizza, grab a big blanket, and have a big picnic in your living room! If you want some romantic additions, add some candles, dim the lights, throw on some soft music and drink soda or wine in your fanciest wine glasses! You will then be enjoying your pizza picnic in style. It's a cute and inexpensive way to have your pizza and eat it too! ;)
Take a Hike!
If you are wanting to take your date outside, take a nice hike and see new sights together! Whether it be in the mountains, a trail by a lake or even just downtown...its a priceless date that is sure to make some memories! You are exploring the world together one spot at a time.
Auburn Trails
Sacramento, CA
Host Your Own Cooking Show!
You and your significant other have your very own cooking show, think up a delicious meal to make together and use your imaginations and pretend to capture it on TV! I promise it is a lot of fun and it brings out the little kid in you a little bit too! Bon appetit!
Movie and Game Night!
If you are wanting to keep it a little more simple and relaxed, there is nothing better than watching a good movie or playing a game together. It's always a good time! To make it a bit more upbeat, maybe add a prize for the winner of the game. It can be whatever you want it to be, just make sure you bring your "A" game!
Living Room Camp Out!
Gather everything that you can to turn your living room into your very own campsite! Create a tent out of the items that you can find (pillows, blankets, etc.) and enjoy the camping experience right from your living room! Just remember that you can always make time for date night without the hassle and stress of planning and spending! Now you have some ideas that can set you up for creating your own special date. Enjoy each other and stay happy and beautiful!
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