Nothing Screams Love like Surprises!

Who likes surprises?! Almost everyone, right? There is nothing like the thrill that comes with being surprised and the amount of love and appreciation you feel when you do get a surprise. The weeks are filled with busy days, important deadlines and hours spent working towards something we believe in. Because of this, we sometimes get so focused on what's happening at work, school and all of the tasks that we want to accomplish for the week that we have a tendency to put love on the back burner of our minds. We all could use that super motivation to keep us going. I myself love to stay motivated so I can push through the week with my best foot forward. It gets challenging and overwhelming when we feel like we aren't fulfilling our complete role as someone's significant other and some of us, including myself, feel discouraged when I don't feel as if I am excelling as a wife for the week. Maybe it's just my perfection tendencies taking control over me but I like to make sure that I am taking a little bit of time out of my busy week to make Ricky feel loved and appreciated for all of the hard work that he is doing. It doesn't have to be a grand gesture, sometimes the greatest gifts are those that come from the smallest of treasures. It comes from a genuine, loving place so it already means so much. I love surprising people, especially my husband. I love to see that smile come across his face when he is caught off guard and I love to throw in that surprise when he least expects it or when he is having a rather rough day and needs that little bit of motivation from me. What we tend to forget sometimes is that we all are blessed with the superpower of motivation and inspiration. We all have the ability to motivate and inspire others to keep fighting for what they want and to never give up on dreams. Never underestimate your ability and power to motivate your significant other ladies! I want to share some of these surprise ideas with you and I highly encourage you to try or construct your own creative surprise to try this week for your significant other and see how they react! I can almost guarantee that they will be so appreciative of the amazing woman that we all are! Stay happy and beautiful!

Creative Surprise Ideas for Him:

1) Reasons Why I Love You Board- This is a super fun way to not only let your honey know that they are loved but also pointing out certain reasons why you love them can really be special for him.

How to Make:
 -This is super easy to make! I made my board out of an old packaging box. You can really use anything to make the board (Shoe box, poster board, cork board, etc.).
-Next, I just ripped up pieces of paper (you can have as many pieces of paper as you want to fill the board. It just depends on how big it is). 
-Write as many reasons why you love them on the pieces of paper and then take push pins or any type of pin you want and place them on the board. Hang or nail your board up somewhere where they can see it everyday and be reminded of the many reasons why they are loved by you. Cute right?! 

The fun part about this gift idea is you can make it your own and it can look however you want it to! Get creative and fun with it! I hung Ricky's board right beside the wall where he sleeps so he can always look at it before he goes to bed and every morning when he wakes up. He loves it and I am sure your men will love it too! 

2) The Motivational Bundle- Both of these gift ideas were inspired by some research that I did myself on cute, simple, and let's not forget to gift ideas for someone you love. I came across this idea and I absolutely loved it! Not only was it clever and unique but each item you choose gives you a different motivation!

How to make:
Again, this is really easy and simple! 
-You start by gathering your items for your motivational bundle. This gift can also be altered and modified to your desire and personality. I am just giving you some ideas to start with! 
-I took a tea light candle, an eraser, a star ornament, a key, a clothespin, and a penny. I decided to use these items for my motivational bundle. Each item represents something different. 

A tea light candle so it will always light his way.
A star so he can always make a wish.
A penny so he will never be completely broke.
An eraser so he can make all of those little mistakes go away.
A clothespin to hold it all together when it seems to be falling apart.
Lastly, a key to let him know that there isn't a door that he can't open in life. (This item I made up so I could add a little of my own originality to the bundle. Like I said, you can make these gifts your own.) 


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