Please turn off all cellphones...

     We live in a generation where society is run by technology and almost everything that we do is behind a computer screen or through our electronic devices. This generation is only growing in its technological discoveries and because of this, it almost makes it impossible for us to keep away from our electronic devices. I was always taught growing up that I should never have my phone with me at the dinner table when I am eating with my family because that is bonding time and it is meant to be just that. After that, I always put my phone away when I would eat or be in the presence of someone else's company because I believe personally that they deserve my undivided attention and I want to give them that. It is very difficult to do that if you are focused on social media or what is behind your phone screen. My precious husband has such a great love for not only video games but for games that he can play on his phone too. He also keeps in touch with a lot of his friends through different apps which is wonderful to do but not if you are spending more time with the virtual world than what is happening in the real world. I have realized that you are likely to miss memorable moments and captured treasures when you are so attentive on technology. There have been numerous instances where Ricky and I will be out enjoying the day together downtown or eating at a new restaurant and I see a man propose to his girlfriend or a good samaritan help someone in need and I think to myself, so many of us, myself included, miss out on seeing these wonderful moments because we become so busy and fixated on ourselves and staying up to date on the latest news and trends that we often forget to cherish the time that we have and we forget how to just be in the moment and watch the beauty that so often goes unnoticed. There would be some days where Ricky and I could have made so many fun memories together but instead, video games took over the day or I became so focused on the latest news that is consuming our lives and before I know it, the day is gone and we have nothing to look back on and remember. Life is so precious and short, we need to make the most of the new days that we are given because it's a gift and we need to see it that way. Because there were so many days where we both were so consumed into our technology, I finally discovered that there is so much that we could be doing and seeing and at the end of the day, we will have made many memories together that would turn into incredible stories that would just add to the beautiful tapestry that is our life. This is what we challenged ourselves to do. 

The Challenge:

  • Turn off your phone or be away from your phone when you are with each other. That is time to spend with each other, not with the rest of the technological world. Savor that time and give each other the complete and focused attention that you both deserve. 
  • Look up from your electronics every once in awhile and notice the beauty that is around you. I promise you will notice and discover more new things about life and all that it can offer us. 

Stay happy and beautiful! :) 


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