Maybe, baby...

If anyone has an extreme case of baby fever like I do then you know the 
struggle you have when you see a cute little baby laughing or the excitement you feel for others when they announce that they are expecting. Then you find yourself wanting a baby of your own when you see what a blessing they can be to people's lives. For the longest time, I never would have imagined wanting to be a mother and it was mainly because I didn't know if I would be a good mother to my kid and that always discouraged my desire to want them. Although, everything changed the day I got married. All of a sudden, it was like I put on a brand new pair of glasses that gave me a clearer vision or focus on life. I started to see what I wanted my family to look like, I knew that as long as we had so much love for each other and for our life together then I wanted a family that could also share in this love that we bring into our home. The reason that I chose to write about this is not because I am trying to persuade or influence other couples to think about having kids but to try and reach out to those ladies who also share my dream of having kids and to tell you something that has brought me so much patient. It's hard as human beings to wait for something that we really want because we have all been wired to believe that if we truly yearn for something in life, we must go after it with all we've got. However, when you are wanting a baby and you feel that you are in a good place in your life to have one and start a family then I have some helpful tips that I think will be of interest to you. Just like all of my blogs, my advice and helpful tips are just simply friendly suggestions for you, it may not always be the advice you need or want but these have helped my journey to having a baby so I hope it can bring you just as much help.

Be Prepared

Everyone's menstrual cycle is different, my cycle just happens to be very irregular which can make it rather difficult to pinpoint what days I am ovulating. Because of this, I have a chart that helps me keep track of my cycles and lets me know what days I am fertile and what days are important in my cycle. This has helped me tremendously because not only have I learned more about myself but it has helped me be prepared in advance for my menstrual cycle and gives me helpful tips on what to do to help bring me relief during that time but also helpful tips on how to get pregnant. I use an app called Glow which has been amazing! So in other words...GET TO CHARTING! ;)

Be Patient

I cannot stress this enough, patience is key in this process because there are some couples who take a little longer than other couples to conceive and that's okay. It's a test to your patience which can ultimately help us become better versions of ourselves which should be a goal that we are all trying to achieve everyday. Patience has been very challenging for me because when you want something so badly, it is hard to wait but what I have had to tell myself is it's not on my time, it's on God's time. If it is meant to be, it will happen. Trust in that!

Take those prenatals!

I never knew how much prenatal vitamins help you not only to stay healthy but it also prepares your body for a baby by supplying you with all of the essential nutrients that your body needs to support a healthy, growing baby. There are a lot of different brands of prenatal vitamins out there so it really depends on what you like because some of them do have a tendency to make some women nauseous because of the high iron content but that can be managed with the right vitamin that is easier for you and your stomach. Start taking those prenatal vitamins if you are serious about having a baby because it will help get your body ready for that little bundle of joy! 

Now, here comes the awkward part of this post but it is just as important...

Get Down to Business! 

Yep! By business, I mean sex. I have done extensive research on this because there are a lot of different theories out there that support that if you have sex every day then you increase your chances of conception significantly but I have actually learned that having sex every other day is actually more successful because having that day to recharge helps a man's sperm to reach it's max mobility which in turn creates stronger sperm which will then hopefully help create a baby! 

Phew! Now that that's out of the way, I want to end on one final note. This is supposed to be a beautiful and amazing experience for you and your significant other so see it as that and have fun during the process. Enjoy the intimacy that comes from this journey together and best of luck to all of you! 

Stay happy and beautiful! :)

(I added this picture just because it is just too cute! This is baby Ricky, I just wanted to share this with everyone!) 


  1. This is awesome!! What a great read!!! Your so inspirational and talented! So proud of you sissy! Love you!

    1. Thank you! You have always been my greatest cheerleader! Thanks for the love and support! Love you! <3


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