Date night sounds just right.

Hi guys! Happy hump day to you all! Speaking of which, I think it is time to face the truth of the can be hard. What I mean by this is finding the time to make quality one on one time with your partner can be challenging when our days are jam packed with work, school, taking care of kids, and the list goes on. I have learned though that making time for each other is not only important to your significant other but also to yourself as well. It has been proven that date night is not just a luxury, but a necessity. Here's how:


Date night is a chance to communicate with your partner and we all know that communication is the key ingredient in maintaining a healthy relationship and it should be the foundation for any relationship. However, communication can falter at times when we become so tied down by life stressors and other duties that involve our attention and so date night ensures that we leave all of those stressors and obligations behind and you can just focus solely on each other and on the relationship.

Let's Relax!

 If you are like me, my relaxation time is SO important to me and to my sanity and mental health. Having date night allows you to take a break and a night off from all of your responsibilities and just gives you time for YOU. I cannot stress to you how important this is to make some time for yourself and for the things that bring you happiness and peace, make a date night just for you! Focus on yourself and remember to love who you are. So slip on those comfy pants and get cozy!

Come closer to me:

Date night is all about getting closer to your partner and rekindling that bright and burning fire that keeps your romance alive. Whatever it is that you and your significant other enjoy doing together, do it and don't be surprised if you fall in love with each other all over again. This gives you both time to enjoy each other's company and to remember what it was that made you fall in love with each other in the first place. Being together is different from spending time together. Spening time together means being in the moment with each other in a romantic environment and reminding one another of the love that exists there. Whether it's making dinner together, going on a little getaway trip for the weekend, sharing a glass of wine and talking about life, or whatever you enjoy doing together, go and truly be together.

Strengthens the relationship:

By making this time for each other and valuing the importance of date night, it will only grow you closer together and enrich the commitment that you share. It gives you a chance to continue to learn more about your partner and it gives your relationship more memorable and happy memories to look back on and appreciate. You are building on your history together and only solidifying your connection with each other.

Stay happy and beautiful...and in love!!!

-The Life of a Wife...and a Mommy!


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