The Life of a Wife....and a MOMMY!
Attention all ladies who are expecting a bundle of joy! What is the first thing you feel when you think about becoming a parent? Is it fear? Anxiety? Excitement? I will be the first future mommy to say that more than likely, you will feel all of them at some point. I've been wanting to take a new approach to my blog, especially since my life as a wife is certain to take a new spin next month when Gabriel makes his grand arrival! Our baby boy is the most amazing blessing to Ricky and I and this new role of mommy is going to be not only life-changing but a completely thrilling experience. That is why I have decided to remodel my life as a wife blog and start a new mommy blog, not only for my own individual journey as a new parent but for the journey's of other mommies out there too. It's always comforting to know that someone is going through what you are going through as well. After all, we are all in this together! Right? There was a lot that I had to get used to during this pregnancy; from the weight gain to the interrupted sleep schedule every night, to all of the aches and pains that come with being pregnant. What I constantly remind myself of is, this is all just temporary and it will ALL be worth it when my baby is finally here and I can hold him and be welcomed into the most rewarding world there is...motherhood. So, I would like to pass on a few words of encouragement to all of you mommies who are going through this same amazing journey.
- {Embrace the beautiful body that this experience will and has brought you!} Believe me, I know this is way easier said than done especially when you seem to be gaining weight every week and you may find yourself avoiding the scale altogether like I have but I have learned something very valuable. My weight gain is helping grow my baby into a healthier, stronger little human and in that case, isn't it worth it? Besides, we often forget to take into account the amount of fluid and swelling that happens the farther we get into our pregnancy. This will likely disappear almost immediately after birth if not soon after. I think the fact that we are literally growing a baby inside of us is the most beautiful gift in the world and our bodies are absolutely incredible! This should give each one of us strong mommies an extra boost of self-confidence. Flaunt those gorgeous pregnant bodies! Because each one is beautiful!
- {Enjoy the ride!} Growing a baby only takes about nine months, which may seem like a long time to some of us mommies who are nearing the end and are more than ready for baby to make their exit. Something I have learned from other mom's after they have delivered their little ones is they actually miss being pregnant and the beauty that came from it. We often forget to enjoy the moments of having a big, round belly and having our baby so close to us because we are all so eager and excited to finally meet him or her but I think it is essential to enjoy the life of our little one inside of the womb. Besides, this is the closest that we will ever be to our little baby. Plus, who doesn't like the special treatment and pampering that comes from being pregnant; the foot rubs at any time, the extra relaxation, the random smiles from strangers as they admire your beautiful belly. It's all part of the wonderful journey! Stop and enjoy the pregnancy ride while it lasts because it will fly by and before you know it, baby will be here in your arms!
- {Be prepared and brace for change!} Along with the other numerous changes that arise from being pregnant, there is bound to be even more drastic changes that sometimes arrive unexpectedly and ones we may not be ready for. This is something that I had to quickly adjust to so I could cope and deal with it appropriately. Some significant changes other than the obvious physical changes that we see are the changes in finances, your sex life, your overall activity level, and the life we used to know and be comfortable with. All of these are affected by pregnancy because of the baby essentials that we will need to purchase for our little one so he or she will be well taken care of and have everything that they need, sex is altered by the growing belly and the inability to do certain things that you used to be able to do. (Let's not forget to mention that some of us, including myself, become highly uncomfortable with sex because of pain or because of self-consciousness). Pregnancy brings about shortness of breath due to the extra weight you are carrying and the pressure on your lungs so even the simplest of tasks can leave you feeling like you just ran a marathon. Understanding these changes and being mentally ready for them when they happen is going to better prepare you for the change. Another important note to keep in mind is don't hesitate to take advantage of the support and community that surrounds you. It will help you to feel less overwhelmed by all of the changes and having that extra support will make you feel more relaxed and ready to take on the changes! No matter the many changes that occur during pregnancy, it is all in good preparation for the greatest change of them all...making you a parent. :)
As we all know, pregnancy brings about many challenging demands not only on your body but on your whole life too but life is all about enduring the obstacles and the challenges that it may throw at you and helps you to become a stronger version of who you already are. What's even better is that at the end of this road, we get the greatest blessing of them all...our beautiful baby to love forever. A baby that will love you unconditionally and depend completely on you and your care and will always look at you with proud, thankful eyes. Just that alone is enough to make this the happiest and most fulfilling experience that we will ever have. With that said...stay happy and feel beautiful mommies! YOU GOT THIS!!!
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