Let's keep it fresh!

Hello all! Yes. There is no excuse for my absence on my blog but A LOT has happened since the last time I blogged! Later on, I will fill you in but today I would like to talk about an issue that seems to cause a lot of unexpected and unnecessary issues in any relationship, the problem that I am referring to is comfortability. This happens once a couple has been together for more than 6 months, that sense of newness and spontaneity seems to die off and complacency and comfortability sets in. Sometimes it's not such a bad transition but unfortunately in most situations, people become bored or disconnected in the relationship and resort to breaking up instead of sticking it out. This is completely based off of my personal opinion and observation but I do believe that every relationship goes through its biggest test around 6 months in the relationship, the 1 year mark of the relationship and the 3 year mark of the relationship. Each of these milestones brings couples to ask themselves, "do I see myself ending up with this person?" Some people even second guess the relationship because they believe that that sense of newness and excitement is gone and it seems to demotivate and discourage people in their relationship because everyone wants to retain that excitement in a relationship long term, I mean who doesn't? The issue is that most people are unaware that you CAN retain that excitement and newness in your relationship without having to end it. Here are just a few ways of keeping that special spark and sense of surprise alive!

1) Re-create your first date! (Whatever and wherever your very first date was, go back in time and recreate that first date and enjoy the blast from the past! It is a sure fire way to look back and remember those wonderful feelings that you felt whether it be the butterflies or complete fear, but rest assured that it will bring you closer to your significant other by reminding you why you were so smitten with them in the first place. You can even go the extra mile and decide on your favorite top three dates together and take the whole day to go back and visit. This will be great bonding time for you and your significant other).

2) Drop everything and escape for awhile! (So many of us get so distracted and stressed out with the chaos and the daily hustle and bustle that the real world brings us that we find ourselves with no time for our significant other, much less for ourselves. When this happens, we start to question if we even want to be in a relationship because it becomes too much for us and we don't want to add anything else to our busy lives but why throw away a potentially forever relationship just because the world can't seem to cut us a break? Not only is it important for you but it is also important for your relationship, to forget about your worries and leave your troubles and stress behind and escape somewhere where you both can not only have some quality time together but you can relax and enjoy the company of the person who brings you happiness and love. Whether it be a trip to the beach, a relaxing camping trip, or even a well-needed night out on the town, it is a great way to keep things hot!)

3) Show each other gratitude and appreciation! (We often forget to show our significant other the appreciation and affection that they deserve after you have been together for a while but it's one of the easiest and most effective ways of keeping the romance alive. Pointing out each other's strengths help to show us the reasons why we fell in love in the first place and especially during these crucial milestones when you will find yourself questioning the future of the relationship, it is important to remember and keep in mind all of the qualities and attributes that you love and appreciate in your significant other).

4) On a spicier note, keep the sex creative and fun! (This seems to be the ugly culprit responsible for so many breakups but it is more prominent in a man's reason for a breakup. There are endless ways to go about this, whether it be role playing, foreplay, using sex toys and costumes, and even having sex in a new and exciting place! However you choose to go about it, keeping sex creative and fun also helps keep the relationship creative and fun, not to mention new and daring!)

5) Surprise each other! Nothing screams newness and spontaneity like surprises! This doesn't have to be anything too extravagant or too time consuming but just a little something to show your significant other that there is always something to look forward to together no matter how much time goes by. This can be anything from a little photo album with all of your favorite pictures of the two of you together or a handmade gift that you made because it reminds you of your significant other. Whatever it is, showing that spontaneity can really help keep the relationship fresh). 

6) Lastly and most importantly, talk, share, and communicate with your significant other about your relationship. Especially about issues and doubts that you have about the relationship because if you communicate this to your partner, hearing their opinion and bringing it to light for them may get your significant other to show you that this is a relationship that is meant to last and it can actually bring you closer to them. 

Stay happy and beautiful! :) 


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